Ing. Jaroslav Šigut

Jaroslav Šigut is a member of the Department of Quantitative Methods and Informatics at the PRIGO University. He is also the head of the Information Centre. He graduated in Automated Management Systems at the Faculty of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering of the VŠB-TU Ostrava.
After three years of experience, he returned to the department and worked as an internal teacher, later as an external teacher. At this time, he graduated from Palacký University in Olomouc. He led lectures and exercises in management systems, computers, technical means of management, robotics, designing management systems. At the same time, he was Secretary of Science and Research. After six years at the university, he began working at the Institute of Education of the FMPE and later at the Institute of Education and Retraining in Havířov in the positions of a field manager, head of the Department of Management and Informatics and Statutory Deputy Director.
He organized and implemented management courses, studies, and seminars in the Czech Republic or Austria, with lecturers from the Czech Republic, Denmark, Austria, and the USA. He himself completed professional courses and received certificates – Certificate NEBS Management tutor in Business Studies, Introductory Award in Supervising Management – NEBS Management, Cyber Skills Knowledge and Leadership Programme. For these organizations, he was a lecturer and a tutor of students, which he led to final these works.
In his activities, he was engaged in management systems, electronation, robotics and production management in the paper industry, engineering, metallurgy and deep-sea mining.  He is the author of several teaching materials and script for VŠB-TU Ostrava, IVR Havířov and others. He worked as an external lecturer in teaching work on PC, microcomputers, automation and technical means of management for the Institute of Education FMPE, The House of Technology Ostrava, Micos Olomouc, Campus Olomouc, CATV Olomouc and other companies, schools and companies of the Moravian-Silesian Region. Since 2008, he has been working at the PRIGO University, where, among other things, he deals with the threat to children and the elderly when working on the Internet, especially on social networks.

Mob.: +420 553 401 160
