PRIGO smart school
PRIGO is a school for life as it will be. We do our best to prepare our pupils and students to succeed in their future life, despite the fact that none of us has a clear idea as to what society and life will look like in a few decades. Our philosophy is based on the ten principles of the PriorityGo approach. We strive to educate creative personalities with a strong sense of adaptability and flexibility who will be able to prove themselves successful in life both at home and abroad. Therefore, we consider the development of critical thinking as the basis for preparation for future life. We emphasize modern didactic methods and the development of transferable competencies in teaching.
We are aware of the fact that the school itself is no longer the sole or main source of information, and that its role is to some extent assumed by the online environment in the present time. We focus on using modern technologies to our advantage. We use mobile devices and the Internet environment not only as a part of teaching, but also in all other activities associated with attending the school. Our goal is for technologies to become a natural part of life, a tool for solving problems and simplifying work and life in general, not as a mean of consuming free time and replacing one’s personal social ties. Meanwhile, we respect the traditional values and our cultural-historical environment.
We go further! We are a smart school. Our priorities are connectivity, electronic communication, and transparency. An emphasis is placed on safe work with technologies. For the last five years, we have significantly changed our approach to information and communication technologies and their meaningful involvement in teaching and other activities. In the first phase, the principle “Bring your own device” was implemented, whereby the personal technical devices of pupils and students, especially their mobile phones, were appropriately involved in teaching. This school year marks the second phase of the process with iPads and Apple TVs being used on suitable occasions in class within the whole PRIGO Elementary School.
From September 2021, a new system of teaching individual subjects and the use of information and communication technologies in selected groups and classes will be implemented at all PRIGO schools. All current and new pupils enrolled in PRIGO Penguin’s Kindergarten or PRIGO Elementary School, as well as their teachers, will receive an iPad. Both of these schools will be therefore fully equipped. As a consequence, we will be finally able to accelerate the changes in teaching towards the needs of the 21st century. At PRIGO grammar schools, all new students enrolled in our six-year and eight-year grammar school programmes as well as those students who will start the IB Diploma Programme (International Baccalaureate) will receive iPads, and so will their teachers. Furthermore, iPads or MacBooks will be provided to all new full-time students of the Registered General Nurse and Registered Paediatric Nurse programmes at PRIGO College and all new full-time students of all bachelor’s and master’s degree programmes at PRIGO University. All their teachers will be equipped accordingly, too. In the upcoming years, all our other pupils, students, and teachers at PRIGO schools will be gradually equipped in like manner. All devices will always be new, it will be possible to use it for school, extracurricular and personal needs, and after successful completion of the study, it will be left to the personal ownership of the pupil or student for a symbolic or residual price.