Mission and Vision
PRIGO University College is the main organizational unit of the European Research University, which has state approval to operate as a university in the Czech Republic. This allows us to offer all levels of higher education, starting with a three-year Bachelor’s degree (B.Sc.), through a two-year follow-up Master’s degree (Eng.) to a three-year postgraduate doctoral degree (Ph.D.). Graduation from these study programmes is recognised in all countries of the European Union. These academic study programmes are accredited by the Czech National Accreditation Bureau for Higher Education. The European Research University is the only private university in the Czech Republic located outside Prague and is one of only four universities in the Czech Republic out of nearly thirty private universities.
The European Research University was established in the late summer of 2023, after two years of demanding proceedings and assessment by the National Accreditation Bureau for Higher Education, which included the validation of all relevant areas, especially educational and research activities, or internationalisation.
PRIGO University College forms the basic organisational unit of ERUNI. With its almost twenty-five years of successful operation, it laid the foundation for the creation of the European Research University. Within the University, the PRIGO University College organises Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes and lifelong learning, including the University of the Third Age. Doctoral studies are organised by the Faculty of Doctoral Studies of the European Research University, also with the participation of the PRIGO University College. Diplomas in all study and training programmes are issued by the European Research University on the basis of state approval, the Higher Education Act and other relevant regulations.
ERUNI and PRIGO University College build on values like openness and pro-inclusiveness, equal access to education, respect for the educational needs of each individual, relevance and efficacy. Our not-for-profit nature and the values we espouse motivate us to offer a social programme for talented students who are interested in pursuing a truly high-quality higher education equivalent to that of private universities abroad. We are not interested in applicants who apply to universities because they are satisfied with any university degree or degree. We accept students who want to work on themselves, really develop, participate in teaching and project activities from the moment they start their studies and also take part in extracurricular events that will help them to achieve a quality CV. Therefore, all applicants for study at our school pass the entrance exam, the purpose of which is mainly to check the prerequisites and motivation of the applicant to study.
Students who join any of our study programmes will receive an iPad from us free of charge, which they can use not only at school but also for their personal needs. We prepare students for life as it will be, and this cannot be done without teaching methods that develop critical thinking and general competencies in combination with the use of modern technologies. Therefore, we equip students admitted to study based on a successful entrance exam with the latest technology in order to eliminate possible differences in their socio-economic background and provide them with the same chances for a quality modern education. We also will prepare the candidates for further study abroad in a special CMD programme.
Following the example of prestigous foreign unversites, the applicant´s motivation video is the most important in the admission procedure. The motivation video should be focused on the applicant´s previous successes, prerequisites and motivation to study. We verify these facts during a personal motivational interview. We always try to get to know the applicants better and at the same time present them our unique educational concept and the demands we place on our students. Thanks to this, we can establish a relationship with the applicant from the beginning and clarify mutual expectations. Students can also receive attractive merit or research scholarships.
European Research University including PRIGO University College is a member of CAMBAS – Czech Association of MBA Schools. In addition to accredited undergraduate and graduate programmes, it offers also professional managerial studies programmes. We are also members of the Czech Economic Society, the Chamber of Commerce, the Association of Social Responsibility and other organizations, including the Council of Universities. We also cooperate with the corporate sector, where, on the basis of the memoranda of cooperation, our partner is mainly Tieto.
The University has concluded new memoranda of cooperation with several foreign universities. The main partner school is the University of Nebraska, USA. We offer our students and teachers short and long study or work stays in the USA. Further cooperation was established with partners in Europe and China. We have received grant funds from the ERASMUS + programme, which allows our students and teachers to realize many new exchanges not only in EU countries. We are preparing our students for master’s degree at prestigious universities in Great Britain, the USA and other countries, where graduates of our bachelor’s degree programmes can study. In cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic and Eurocentre Ostrava, we are also preparing students for jobs in EU institutions, especially for the EPSO tests (European Personnel Selection Office).