Accredited study programmes provided in English
PRIGO University offers studies in the following accredited study programmes in English:
- Follow-up Master’s Degree Programme Economic Policy and Public Administration
- Bachelor’s Degree Programme Economic Policy and Public Administration
- Bachelor’s Degree Programme Information and Communication Security (Cybersecurity)
- Bachelor’s Degree Programme Social Policy and Social Work
Bachelor study programme Economic Policy and Public Administration
The aim of the study is to develop competencies for qualified work performance of an independent worker in state and local authorities, in EU institutions and bodies, in the monetary area, in banking and insurance, or in the management of companies in the private sector. The study programme provides theoretical knowledge in the field of economic theory, as well as in the area of economic policy objectives, tools and authorities, both at general level and in specialized areas such as fiscal policy, monetary policy, social policy or employment policy. The programme also provides theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the field of public sector functioning, including its management and financing. Part of the study is the development of language skills so that graduates can apply them both in the follow-up study and in practice. Part of the study is also the completion of professional practice, but the study programme is designed primarily as an academically focused programme, which forms the basis for the follow-up master’s degree in programmes focusing on economic policy and administration.
Graduates of the bachelor’s study programme Economic Policy and Administration are particularly employed as professionals
- in central state administration bodies,
- in bodies of self-governing units,
- in commercial banks or insurance companies,
- in the bodies of EU institutions and other international organizations,
- in labor offices, social security administration, tax offices,
- in lower and middle management of private sector enterprises.
Master’s degree programme Economic Policy and Public Administration
The graduate is prepared to work as an independent economic expert and analyst, able to carry out national economic analyzes using advanced statistical and econometric methods, taking into account the broader macroeconomic context and patterns of socio-economic development of society. Other positions of graduates of the study programme are positions at the level of middle and top management both in public administration institutions and in the private sector, where they are able to lead a team, including a team with an international composition. The graduate can also work as a project manager in both the private and public sectors, where he / she is able to process and evaluate grant applications. In all positions, the graduates will use the language skills acquired during their studies through lectures by foreign teachers, work with foreign language literature or through a foreign internship.
The employment of graduates as professional analysts or managers can be found in the following types of institutions and organizations:
- public administration and non-profit sector (central government and self-government bodies, bodies of EU institutions and other international organizations, labor offices, social security administration, tax authorities, statistical offices, etc., non-governmental non-profit organizations),
- banking and insurance (central bank, commercial banks, insurance companies and other financial institutions),
- private-sector firms (enterprises operating in all sectors where graduates find work both as professional economic analysts and in middle and top management).
Bachelor study programme Information and Communication Security (Cybersecurity)
The programme aims to gain knowledge and skills in the areas of security in computer systems and networks, cryptography and its applications. The programme aims to prepare certified experts in the field of cybersecurity of operating systems, computer networks, databases, and information systems. The goal is to prepare such a graduate who will work in various roles critical to ensuring IT security. Graduates will be equipped with both a comprehensive theoretical basis of the field and practical skills. This study programme will enable graduates to apply in practice and continue their studies in a follow-up Master’s degree programme. The programme is built on the connection with business practice and the use of the potential of experts from practice in the teaching process. Students will gain theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the areas of:
- technical means of computer systems and networks,
- information and computer security,
- operating system,
- communication technology
- database systems,
- information systems management.
Graduates of the Information and Communication Security programme will acquire sufficiently deep knowledge and specific skills to be able to not only continue their studies in the follow-up Master’s degree programme immediately after graduation but also to take up direct positions related to IS / ICT cybersecurity. During the study, they will gain the knowledge and skills needed to obtain professionally recognized certificates in computer networks, operating systems, database systems. They will also gain practical skills for working with modern technologies in the fields of computer technology, operating systems, virtualization, computer networks, database and information systems and cybersecurity, and gain competencies for the independent management of computer systems, computer networks, information systems and data security, design and implementation of small and medium-sized information systems and networks. Graduates will gain the prerequisites for work in computer network administrator, information systems administrator, data manager, the worker responsible for IS / ICT security, architect of small and medium-sized networks and systems, specialist of cloud computing service providers, ERP systems. The employers of the graduates will be mainly professional companies providing services in the field of IS / ICT, especially computer network operators, data administrators, cloud computing companies, telecommunications companies, security consultants. Furthermore, all medium and large companies operating their own IS / ICT infrastructure.
Graduates will find employment mainly in companies and institutions, which, concerning regulations on cybersecurity, will have to deploy specialists capable of cooperating with relevant coordinating institutions and ensure the management of cybersecurity processes. The graduate can also work in the following positions:
- Cybersecurity Manager,
- Cybersecurity Architect,
- Cybersecurity Auditor.
Bachelor study programme Social Policy and Social Work
The graduates of the bachelor programme Social Policy and Social Work gain in the course of study the basic theoretical knowledge and practical skills in social policy, social administration activities, counselling, social prevention and social and legal protection of children, social protection of citizens, social security, social analysis processing and project creation. Emphasis is placed on effective mastering of the theory and broader context of social policy and social work, including the knowledge of information about the material and technical means of aid, ability to conduct fieldwork and continuous information activities, groundwork creation for professional qualifications of social workers in the form of required communication skills and the following activities of social work.
The gained knowledge and skills create employment prerequisites for the graduates of the bachelor programme Social Policy and Social Work in public institutions at the level of state administration of self-governance, in social security, social security benefits, non-government non-profit organisations, welfare service, municipal authorities and municipal authorities with extended powers, regional councils, social security administration and the following areas:
- social security (social administration activities within social aid as a social worker of municipal authorities and municipal authorities with extended powers, welfare services including institutional care and other services as per Welfare Service Act),
- social security benefits, employment offices, regional councils,
- social and legal protection of children (social worker, youth officer, persons charged with social and legal protection of children, municipal authorities with extended powers),
- employment policy (employment offices etc.),
- justice (mediation and probation service),
- Ministry of the Interior – prison service – social worker,
- non-governmental non-profit organisations – field social work,
- education (social workers in institutions and youth custody centres),
- humanitarian work.
The graduates are adequately theoretically and practically prepared to work in:
- non-profit institutions of private law (associations, charitable trusts, ecclesiastical organisations, foundations etc.),
- institutional facilities of welfare services and other welfare services as per Welfare Service Act,
- municipal authorities with extended powers, municipal authorities and regional councils,
- employment offices (employment policy),
- education – as a social worker.
The study objective is to develop skills for qualified performance of social work in public administration, self-governance and non-government non-profit organisations. The quality performance of social work is supported with theoretical knowledge from relative sciences to social work and social work as an independent scientific discipline, and practical skills and abilities to communicate with clients and other entities.