PhDr. Lenka Průšová, PhD.
Lenka Průšová is an external lecturer of the PRIGO University, where she guarantees the conduct of casuistic seminars and participates in the teaching of topics related to the social and legal protection of children.
After completing her Master’s degree at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University (field of history), she continued her studies at the Faculty of Law of Charles University in the field of Personnel Management – Social Policy and at the Faculty of Education of Charles University in the field of Special Pedagogy. She completed her doctoral studies in Social Work at the University of Health and Social Work of St. Elizabeth in Bratislava by defending her dissertation entitled Social and Psychological Risks Associated with Surrogate Family Care.
Lenka Průšová has been working in the social field for a long time. She specializes in children and youth, especially surrogate family care, social work with family and a child with CAN syndrome, or (PAS). She actively engages in pedagogical activities at universities and works in organizations in the non-profit sector as a key social worker. Currently, she works as director of surrogate family care at Family Bridges. In the field of the social and legal protection of children and surrogate family care, she also publishes, e.g. she is the co-author of the book On Selected Issues of Child Adoption (LINDE publishing house), she also participates in international professional conferences focused on this issue (e.g. international professional conference Transformation of Institutional Care in the Czech Republic and its possibilities).
Lenka Průšová also works as a lecturer; she lectures within the professional competence of OSPOD staff and lifelong education of social workers in courses accredited by the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs on the following topics: specifics of social work with children, SPOD – alternating care, foster care for a temporary period, surrogate family care, domestic violence, curatorial activities, educational problems in children, ADHD, autism and Asperger’s syndrome, etc.
Mob.: +420 604 491 021