Mgr. Iveta Malíková
Iveta Malíková participates in the teaching of the course Policy of Social Services at the PRIGO University. She graduated in Social Work from the Faculty of Arts of the University of Ostrava. Since 1995 she has been professionally involved in social care, first as a social affairs officer in Karviná, then as a civic counsellor of the Silesian Diakonia. Since 2005, she has been employed by the Salvation Army, where she is dedicated to preventing homelessness as head of social services. She is also an expert on social services standards. Through the Salvation Army, she participates in foreign internships (Fundacia Aid Wzajemnej in Poland).
As part of her professional focus, she gives lectures for the professional public (field workers, government offices, etc.) on social housing and homelessness prevention. She also participates in professional conferences, such as conferences organized by the Social Inclusion Agency and the Salvation Army on social housing. She also processed evaluation reports for the Ministry of Justice, e.g., evaluating the application for accreditation of the probation programme for juvenile convicts, where she assessed the compliance of the quality of probation programmes with quality standards.
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