The abbreviation CEMNAS is a designation for a special university workplace dedicated to those students and applicants who need support for various reasons. In the first area, it is about working with exceptionally gifted students, i.e. those whose distribution of abilities reaches an extraordinary level with high creativity throughout the range of activities or in individual areas of intellectual abilities. The second role is to support students with special educational needs which we try to better integrate into the study at our university.
PRIGO University builds on values such as openness and pro-inclusiveness, equal access to education and respect for the educational needs of each individual. If you need help with your studies, you can contact the head of our workplace Mgr. Libuše Halfarová, Ph.D. who is happy to accommodate you in everything.
PRIGO university cooperates in work with students with special educational needs with the Disability Resource Center at the University of Cambridge. This second-best university in the world was visited by the Rector of the PRIGO University and other academics, and discussed, together with Dr Harding, the director of the centre at the University of Cambridge, access to disadvantaged students at this university and in the UK in general. The experience gained is used in the functioning of the CEMNAS.
CEMNAS – our center for working with exceptionally gifted students and students with special educational needs in particular:
- Diagnoses the extraordinary talents and specific educational needs of students
- Propose support, compensatory and other measures for students with identified extraordinary talents or special educational needs, including applicants